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Sometimes I write about some of my ideas. Wether they be about a particular painting or on a certain theme. They give you an insight into my thoughts and / or artistic process. If you would like to know when I publish something next, please subscribe to my newsletter on the contact page.

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The Archetype in Art

The Archetype in Art

An archetype is a thing that never dies. It will be born again and again. Like the human form, it is never the same but it never changes. The history of art is filled with them…

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Whispers from the beyond - my thoughts on Inspiration in art Inspiration: what is the source of that well of joy drawn on famously by poets, painters and musicians? Inspiration is literally 'to breathe in', by definition from outside one's...

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The Muse

The Muse

The Muse, the traditional dispenser of inspiration, is a concept that has come down to us from classical times. In this rendition she has a rather terrifying aspect: she is both the slayer of heroes and …

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The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

A favourite theme of classical and neoclassical painters was The Garden of the Hesperides, a mythical orchard where an apple tree or a grove grows, producing golden apples…

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